For everyone that doesn’t believe me when I say that Labor and Liberal are joined at the hips, this one takes the cake. We already have processes in place to democratically decide on what government spending should be on - community consultation - and how that project is implemented - tendering.
This gives us the punter a say, and the private sector a chance to bid on the project for a mutually beneficial project. When you start short cutting this process, hidding the decision making, not consulting and not putting the project out to tender - we really need to ask why?
This is our tax money. We have a right to know, we have a right to be involved, and we certainly expect any private organisation to have an equal opportunity at being involed - it’s what keeps the price down, the options open, the projects success and trust in government.
But have you heard of the Pumped Hunter Hydro scheme? No? So how come the project is going ahead, with a private company? Where’s the consultation? Who tendered to build the project? Where is the EIS study? What’s BHP’s involvement? Why so secretive?
More importantly why is Malcom Turnbal, before Scott Morrison, and now Anthony Albanese got to do with it? Why is a Liberal project alive and kicking under a Labor government but ultra secret? Is this literally what they mean by coal I mean green washing??? And why do the super wealthy owned media outlets keep tight lipped about all these very simple questions?
Because our govenerment is corrupt. Both Labor and Liberal are joined by the corrupt strings of the super wealthy. They care more about there previliged positions after politics and fear more from Murdochs media, then the Australian electorate. You open a coal mine for me, and I’ll promise you a great job when you quit politics. You do what Murdoch wants, he’ll give you favourable press.
They are too scared to admit the might of the super wealthy, because it would litterally decimate the Labor and Liberal parties when we find out just how far back and how deep rooted this corruption goes. That’s why the National Anti Corrupt Commision had a no-public-hearings policy - it’s all just for show.
Ministers and politictions don’t get to decide who builds a project. That’s the responsibility of independant government agencies. Independant; free from outside control; not subject to another's authority.
The corruption is so rife and free of consequence our pollies often say the quiet bit out loud, unwittingly and uncaringly broadcasting their corrupt intentions.
Check out this bit of content. It starts to get interesting at the 5 minute mark.